
about ME

a passionate and complete creator

I'm a developer with a passion for creation, especially in the field of video games.

I'm currently studying for a Bachelor's degree in computer development with a focus on video games, and I'm going on to do a Master's degree in game design and creative coding to add solid game design skills to my computer language development skills.

I aspire to be as complete a player in the video game industry as possible.

Some of my Projects

Tower Defense

A one-week project on Unreal Engine where we created a tower defense, defending 3 towers from infinite waves of enemies.

On this project, I worked on the enemy "Lich", who summons other entities and fires projectiles.

I also worked on the level design, the enemy spawn, the enemy animations and all the VFX of the lich, its projectile, the tower, the "Bifrost" effect of the reappearance point and the enemy spawn portal.

I took care of the player UI, which includes the reticle, weapon display and player life.

1 Week


C++ language

Unreal Engine



Fat Kingdom

A game project on Unity created during a 48-hour Game Jam.

In Fat Kingdom you play the role of a king who must take care of his kingdom by making decisions for his people and subjects.

You'll listen to the grievances of those who visit you, and make choices that will impact your reputation with the various groups in your kingdom, your monetary and territorial resources, your total population and the crime rate in your towns and villages.

C# language



48​ hours

Custom Engine

A project to create a custom game engine developed in C++ with DirectX 12.

For this project, we had to design the basis of a game engine such as Unity or Unreal Engine, and demo it with a 3D space shooter game.

I worked on the design of the entity and component system, the GameObject, Transform components, a game scene manager, the loop for updating all objects and components in an optimized way, and the first basic components like the mesh renderer.

3 Weeks​


C++ language

DirectX 12 API
